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LU Minjie / 陆敏捷

Sketch of Poplar Forest II / 胡杨林素描Ⅱ / Hu Yang Lin Su Miao Ⅱ

Birth C: CHINA Gender: Female

Media Specification: Mixed music

Duration: 10:11

Perf. Country: CHINA

Instruments: Flute

Setup: Sichuan Conservatory of Music

Prog. notes: 此作品为长笛独奏而作的八声道混合类电子音乐,融入了印象主义音乐的音调特征,折射楚自己对德彪西作品的喜爱。作品中使用噪音化以及粗糙的音响表达沙漠戈壁的严酷。
This piece is an eight-channel hybrid electronic music for solo flute, incorporating the tonal characteristics of impressionistic music and reflecting Chu's own love of Debussy's work. The piece uses noisiness and rough acoustics to express the harshness of the desert Gobi.

Editor: XM