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CHENG Chien-Wen / 鄭建文


Rain Reflection / 雨光

Birth Y: 1972 Birth C: TAIWAN Gender: Male

Dest: Concert

Media Specification: Tape

Duration: 7:43


Prog. notes: The main materials of the stereo tape piece Rain Reflection include a variety of sounds from piano including pizzicato, string bowing, string striking with mallets, muted piano, and etc. The main digital processing techniques used in this piece include granular synthesis, spectral editing, delay, reverb, and ring modulation, which make the original materials sound new and unfamiliar. With these processed sounds, the music portrays the changing lights reflected from the raindrops in an abstract way and also presents the logic of its formal structure.

二聲道電子音樂《雨光》(Rain Reflection) 以鋼琴聲音為原始素材,包括撥弦、使用琴弓擦弦、以鼓棒擊弦、及按住琴弦時的彈奏等之聲音,透過粒子化合成、頻譜編輯、延遲效果器、Ring Modulation 等之使用,將原本的素材予以陌生化,配合聲音的堆疊,交織成一片抽象的、顆粒狀的音響,藉此來描寫雨滴所反射出的光影變化。

Editor: MB