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Double Suns

Birth Y: 1947 Birth C: FRANCE Gender: Male

Dest: Concert

Media Specification: Mixed music

Commission: Musicacoustica Festival

Performer(s): Mari Kimura, violin

First perf.: Musicacoustica Festival, Central conservatory of Music, Beijing, 24 octobre 2011

Duration: 12:00 ca

Perf. Country: CHINA

Context: Asian Pieces

Instruments: Violin (with subharmonics) and electronic sounds (4 channels)

Perf media: The violin should be slightly amplified. Add some reverberation if it is felt that the acoustics of the performance hall require it to blend the the instrument with the the electronic sounds. The electronic parts can be performed in 4 or 2 channels.

Publisher: Score (composer), SACEM

Prog. notes: Double suns, for violin (with subharmonics) and electronic sounds.
For Mari Kimura, with admiration.
Double suns have been discovered in 2011, 200 light-years from our planet. They shine on planet Kepler-16b. It seemed to me a perfect image of the performer and electroacoustic sounds each one shining differently. This piece was written for Mari Kimura on the occasion of the 2011 Musicacoustica festival. The electroacoustic sounds, slow and ever changing as clouds moving across the sky, are the background to the violin. Towards the end, a cadenza allows the performer to play freely.
This piece was first performed during the opening concert of the 2011 Musicacoustica festival. My thanks go to Zhang Xiaofu. It was written at the request of Benoît Granier, and included in the concert dedicated to Mari Kimura at Yugong Yishan, Beijing.
Double soleils, pour violon (avec subharmonics) et sons électroniques.
For Mari Kimura, avec admiration
Ces "double soleils" ont été découverts en 2011 à 200 années-lumières de la terre. Ils illuminent la planète Kepler-16b. Cela me paraissait l'image parfait de l'interprète et des sons électroacoustiques, brillant chacun à sa manière. La pièce est écrite pour Mari Kimura à l'occasion du festival Musicacoustica 2011. Les sons électroacoustiques, lents et changeants comme des nuages, mettent en valeur le jeu du violon. Vers la fin, une cadence permet à l'interprète de laisser libre cours à son jeu virtuose.
Cette pièce a été créée dans le concert d'ouverture du festival Musicacoustica 2011. Mes remerciements vont à Zhang Xiaofu. Elle a été écrite sur la demande de Benoît Granier pour le concert dédié à Mari Kimura au Yugong Yishan, Pékin.

Comment: First perf.: "Voyage Apollinian", Opening ceremony multimedia concert of the Musicacoustica festival