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LU Minjie / 陆敏捷

Regain Life in A Bliss / 往生极乐 / Wang Sheng Ji Le

Birth C: CHINA Gender: Female

Media Specification: Acousmatic music

Duration: 8:15

Perf. Country: CHINA

Setup: Sichuan Conservatory of Music

Prog. notes: 作品以藏传佛教为文化背景,献给5.12汶川地震遇难者的挽歌。藏传佛教中的诵经是非常神圣的仪式,作品的声音材料以六字真言“唵(ōng)嘛(má)呢(ní)叭(bēi)咪(mēi)吽(hōng)”为核心进行组织,利用电子音乐技术中移调、反向、粒子合成、拉伸与压缩等进一步挖掘了人声丰富的音乐性。六字真言也寓意“圣洁莲花开放与环绕的极乐世界”,表达了作者对遇难者的祝祷,以幻听电子音乐形态描绘出极乐世界的想像。
The work is dedicated to the victims of the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, with Tibetan Buddhism as the cultural background. The chanting in Tibetan Buddhism is a very sacred ritual, and the sound material of the work is organized with the six-letter words "Om (ōng) Má (má) Ba (ní) Ba (bēi) Mēi (mēi) Un (hōng)" as the core, using electronic music technology such as transposition, inversion, particle synthesis, stretching and compression to further explore the rich musicality of the human voice. The rich musicality of the human voice is further explored through the use of electronic music technology such as transposition, inversion, particle synthesis, stretch and compression. The six words of truth also signify "the blissful world where the holy lotus flowers open and surround", expressing the author's prayers for the victims and depicting the imagination of the blissful world in the form of phantom electronic music.

Editor: XM