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ZHANG Xiaofu / 张小夫

A Message from Proxima Centauri / 来自比邻星的信息 / Lai Zi Bi Lin Xing De Xin Xi

Birth Y: 1954 Birth C: CHINA Gender: Male

Dest: Concert

Media Specification: AudioVisual

Commission: French cultural publishing agency

Performer(s): Proxima Centauri

Duration: 13'30''

Perf. Country: CHINA

Instruments: flute, saxophone, piano, percussion

Setup: Central Conservatory of Music

Prog. notes: In the vast and mysterious universe, what kind of unknown imagination would Proxima Centauri, the Centaur’s star closest to the sun, bring to us? Its silence? Its malice and abandonment? Or is it his smile and his irritability?

This piece uses a rich musical vocabulary, a unique timbre and establishes a dialogue between acoustic and electronic instruments in time and space.
This work is dedicated to the musicians of Proxima Centauri.
神秘的宇宙,在广阔无垠的太空中,那颗离太阳最近的恒星-比邻星,会给我们带来哪些人类渴望而未知的无限遐想 — 是它的沉默无语?它的调皮与不羁?还是它的微笑与暴躁?… 作品将在真实乐器之间,真实乐器与电子音乐之间构建多样化的音乐语汇、独特的色彩和时空的对话。


Editor: XM