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HAN Jinhao / 韩金昊

Shadow and I / 对影
[Dui ying]

Birth Y: 1996 Birth C: CHINA Gender: Male

Dest: Concert

Media Specification: Acousmatic music

Duration: 4:21

Setup: Sichuan conservatory

Prog. notes: 该作品是以中国筝作采样,使用实时编码与算法在Sonic Pi中制作的拼贴音乐。该作品是通过实时改动算法调取采样库中的素材实现材料拼贴与合成,运用算法控制音频总线的信号流向,达到通过编码实现一整套音频系统的调用与控制,制成一部完整的作品。
This piece is a collage work of Chinese zheng samples made in Sonic Pi using Livecoding and algorithms. The piece is collaged and synthesised by a real-time alteration algorithm which can retrieve material from the sample library. and another algorithm to control the flow of the audio bus to achieve a complete audio system call and control by coding.
This piece is based on the relationship between the 'shadow' and the body. Through the illumination of the light source, our shadow is always consistent with the structure of the body, but the position and intensity of the light source can cause various distortions to the resulting shadow. In this work, the zheng sample is used as the body in the composition, and the algorithmically distorted and re-synthesised sound is used as the shadow in the composition, with the body and the shadow being similar in structure but different in form, both complementing and supporting each other.

Editor: XM