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CHENG Chien-Wen / 鄭建文


Sailing towards the Sea

Birth Y: 1972 Birth C: TAIWAN Gender: Male

Dest: Concert

Media Specification: Tape

Duration: ca 7'


Prog. notes: This electroacoustic piece is intended to explore the timbral possibilities of cymbals through the transformation with digital signal processing, and to portray the soundscape “heard” internally on an imagined sailing journey towards the sea. The raw materials are mainly from samples of bowing the suspended cymbal. Methods of timbral transformation used in this piece include granular synthesis, ring modulation, reverberation and delay. The piece starts from cymbal harmonics produced through bowing and transformed by granular synthesis and ring modulation in a light texture. It later accumulates into a heavy texture simulating the soundscape of a stormy sea, and accelerates its pulse towards the climax of the piece before fading away at the end.

本作品旨在透過電子音樂的技法探索鈸的音色變化之可能性,並藉此描述一個幻想中朝向海洋航行之旅內心所聽到的音景。此作品所使用的素材主要來自琴弓摩擦吊鈸所產生的泛音,並透過粒子化合成、Ring Modulation、殘響、延遲效果而達成聲音變形的目的。此作品開始於較輕薄的織度,使用透過粒子化及 Ring Modulation 技術處理過的鈸的泛音為主要素材。音樂後來累積成較為厚重的織度,藉此描述暴風雨中巨浪翻騰的海洋,並且逐步增快其節奏步調,進而引至全曲的高潮,最後再以淡出的方式結束。

Editor: MB