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CHENG Chien-Wen / 鄭建文


Tune of Wind / 風雷引
Fēngléi yǐn]

Birth Y: 1972 Birth C: TAIWAN Gender: Male

Dest: Concert

Media Specification: Mixed Music with live electronics

First perf.: June 25, 2018

Duration: ca 8'

Perf. Country: TAIWAN

Instruments: for cello and Live Electronics


Prog. notes: The main inspiration for "Autumn Wind" for the cello and interactive music system is from the Tang Dynasty poet Liu Yuxi's poem "Autumn Wind": "Where the autumn wind arrives, Xiao Xiao sends the geese. The solstice is the first to hear the court. With music to describe the beginning of autumn, the fallen leaves fluttered with the wind, and the sigh that the old age is gone and the old people are far away. In music, the expression of emotions is enhanced by the changing color of the cello, the technology of computer sound stretching, and the interactive response of interactive music systems, such as sound freezing and spectrum delay. In addition, the alternation of the cello's alternating and recurring sound patterns also conveys the image of continuous advancement of time, and cooperates with the sound collection (0 1 6) to maintain the unity of the material.

給大提琴與互動音樂系統的《秋風引》主要靈感來自唐朝詩人劉禹錫的同名詩作《秋風引》:「何處秋風至,蕭蕭送雁群。朝來入庭樹,孤客最先聞。」,主要藉由音樂來描寫初秋之際,落葉隨風紛飛,所引發的年華已逝、故人已遠之感嘆。音樂上則藉由大提琴多變的音色,搭配電腦聲音拉長的技術,以及互動音樂系統之互動回應,如聲音凍結、頻譜延遲等效果,來強化情感的表達。此外,也藉由大提琴高低交替且重複出現的音型,來傳達時間持續推進的意象,並配合音集 (0 1 6) 維繫素材的統一性。

Editor: MB