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CHENG Huihui / 程慧惠

Me Du Ca

Birth Y: 1985 Birth C: CHINA Gender: Female

Dest: Concert

Media Specification: Mixed music

Duration: 6-10'

Instruments: for female voice and live electronic

Setup: Ircam, Paris

Publisher: Babelscores

Prog. notes: Me Du Ça is inspired by the figure of Medusa, a metaphor guideline for this play. Flutes/tubes represent the snakes, which represent her hair in the mythological figure. Its sonorities of wind whistles and air sound effects also evoke the reptilian universe of the Medusa. The title and lyrics are written in three languages, playing on the phonetic associations between the English "me", the German "you(du)" and the French " it(ça)". The Medusa is also treated as a theatrical character; a terrible, libidinous, hysteric figure, allying voices of opera, spoken, whispered, instrumental sounds, electronic transformations, and synthesis. The weight of these various materials change in time via interpolations. Certain keywords, gestures, or electronic signals work as pivots, repeated at a distance in a fragmentary way, so as to disorientate linear perception.

Editor: MB