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TENG Qingqing,YANG Tsu-Yao / 滕晴晴,杨祖垚


Après la mort / 死亡之后

Gender: Female

Dest: Concert

Media Specification: mixed music

Performer(s): Saxophone performer: Marie-Bernadette CHARRIER (France) Sound distribution: Christophe HAVEL (France)

First perf.: The Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, 24 OCT. 2019

Duration: 8:00

Perf. Country: CHINA

Context: 死亡在哪里发生?如何到达死亡的境地?我又为何而死去?我毫无头绪。无论如何,只有在逝去以后,我才会意识到这新的处境…
« Where was it, how did I get there, from what was I dead ? I had no idea Anyway, it was after I died there, that I became aware of my new state….»

Instruments: Saxophone

Editor: ming