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FENG Ling-Hsuan / 馮玲軒


Birth Y: 1990 Birth C: TAIWAN Gender: Female

Media Specification: Electroacoustic Music

Duration: 4:14

Perf. Country: TAIWAN

Context: Lauréat du Concours de la composition petites formes 2014

Setup: 11/21 (六) 14:00-15:20 新世代電子聲音藝術- 2014台法電子音樂作曲比賽得獎作品音樂會
Electronic Music of New Generation –
The Winners’ Concert of Acousmatic Compo sition Competition petites formes France – Taiwan 2014
11/21 (六) 17:20-18:50 GRM法國當代先鋒電子音樂藝術音樂會
Concert of Pioneer Electronic Music – France Ina-GRM
30/10/2014 Concert of Final Selection, Concours de musique acousmatique petites formes 2014 France – Taiwan
Winners’ Concert of Concours de musique acousmatique petites formes 2014 France – Taiwan
29/01/2015 Winners’ Concert petites formes 2014, Conservatoire de Bordeaux (Program)
02-03/02/2015 Winners’ Concert petites formes 2014, Conservatoire de Reims (Program)
06/02/2015 Winners’ Concert petites formes 2014, Centre culturel de Taiwan à Paris (Program, CNA Press)
12/02/2015 Winners’ Concert petites formes 2014, Conservatoire de l’Aubervillier – La Courneuve

Perf media: Tout Pour la Musique Contemporaine

Prog. notes: People usually judge the sounds by their experience. But sometimes it is far from the original sound producing object. By this experience, I collect the sound resourses by consequentialism, which means that they have the relevance through hearing to each other after transformed, to build up the structure. There’s no point in realizing what it is in the original form. SET is a collection of distinct objects. This work is a SET of sounds which are noised.

Editor: LLN