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CHENG Chien-Wen / 鄭建文


Chrysanthemum in the Rain / 雨中菊
[Yuzhong ju]

Birth Y: 1972 Birth C: TAIWAN Gender: Male

Media Specification: Mixed Music

Duration: 7:00

Instruments: For marimba and Max/MSP interactive system


Prog. notes: Program Notes:
This piece portrays the strong vitality of chrysanthemum which resists rain and cold in full bloom. Chrysanthemum may not be considered gorgeous or fragrant but still show its elegant and refined disposition. The composition makes use the timbral quality of marimba to simulate the sound of rain drops through the repeated notes and patterns. The pitch set (0, 1, 2. 6) is used as the dominant one to control the pitch content in this piece. Besides, through the gradual change of pitch content, the vertical sonority moves from one to another in a slow and smooth way. ( This piece have two versions, one is for marimba solo, the other for marimba and live electronics. )

互動音樂作品《雨中菊》旨在讚嘆「花之隱逸者」菊花—其雖無豔麗之姿及濃郁的芬芳來吸引人的注意,但卻淡雅脫俗且不畏霜雪,暗藏著強韌的生命力。《雨中菊》乃藉由木琴顆粒狀的音色特性,描寫雨點落在菊花上而菊花卻兀自綻放的一種堅毅。音樂上,以大量的重複音型來表現雨滴,並在音高處理上以音類 [0, 1, 2, 6] 作為主要的控制準則,透過漸變的方式在不同的垂直音響與織度間做轉移。電子音樂的部分則主要透過音高偵測、聲音密度偵測、樂句起點偵測之結果來控制殘響效果器、粒子化合成器、和音製造器、濾波器及與延音效果器,藉此交織出此起彼落的特殊音響與空靈的氛圍,展現雨中菊花飄逸脫俗之姿。

Editor: LIAO Lin-Ni, MB

Comment: 2015 北京國際電子音樂節

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